Collagen Biostimulation

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Collagen is the main structural protein in our skin, which helps maintain its characteristic tightness, elasticity and suppleness. As we age, the production of collagen begins to slow down, causing skin to sag and lose its once-dynamic properties.

Collagen biostimulating dermal filler provides immediate volume correction once injected, and continues to work by stimulating the body to produce it’s own natural collagen for long lasting affect. It is FDA-approved for hand rejuvenation and the treatment of moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds, including smile lines and nasolabial folds.

This dermal filler contains microspheres of Calcium Hydroxylapatite (CaHA); a biocompatible substance that is also found in bones. It is combined with an aqueous gel carrier to create the filler. Over time, the gel is absorbed and the body metabolises the Calcium Hydroxylapatite microspheres, leaving behind only your own natural collagen.

This product is used for:

  • Hand rejuvenation

  • Temples

  • Cheek

  • Chin

  • Jawline

  • Smile lines and nasolabial folds

  • Marionette lines

Hyperdiluted, it is used off-label more superficially to address skin laxity and improve tone and texture in the face, neck and décolletage, and the body such as arms, abdomen and buttocks. Hyperdilute Radiesse can be used to improve stretchmarks, skin crepiness and cellulite.

Diluted and Hyperdiluted it is used to improve skin laxity and quality in:

  • Mid and lower face

  • Neck

  • Décolletage

  • Upper arms

  • Abdomen

  • Upper legs

  • Buttocks (gluteal sagging; mild dermal irregularities)

  • Cellulite

  • Striae (stretchmarks)

Treatment can be used as an adjunct to volume augmentation or combined with additional modalities for optimal results.


+ What happens during treatment?

After cleansing the skin, the product will be injected into the desired area using a thin needle or a cannula. Depending on the area, your practitioner may apply or inject a local anaesthetic to the treatment area. This product also contains a local anaesthetic which makes the treatment more comfortable. Most treatments take about 30 minutes. Afterwards your provider may massage or manipulate the filler creating contour and volume to achieve the desired result.

+ What are the side-effects of treatment?

Possible side effects include bleeding, pain or discomfort, tenderness at the treatment site, localised bruising and swelling. The area may feel firm or bumpy. These side effects will settle with time.

+ What are the possible complications of dermal fillers?

Allergic reaction is rare since it’s biocompatible. If it happens, it will appear as itchiness and severe swelling around the injection site. Other uncommon side-effects include nodule formation, infection and ulceration of the skin, pustules at the site of injection, scar formation, and vascular occlusion.

+ Who should not use this product?

This product cannot be used in individuals who have allergy to any component of the product, in areas where there is infection, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, if you have a history of severe allergies, or if you have a bleeding disorder.

+ What is the after-care following dermal filler treatment?

  • You may experience redness and swelling after treatment. Redness is usually short lived, but swelling can last up to 1 week. If possible, sleep on two pillows the evening after treatment to elevate the head and reduce swelling.
  • Bruising may occur in treated areas and can last up to 2 weeks. Arnica spray or cream can be used to treat bruising.
  • Make-up can be applied the next day, mineral make-up is preferred.
  • Ice packs can be applied in the first 24 hours after treatment to minimise swelling and bruising, icepack should not be applied for more than 10 to 15 minutes per hour.
  • Avoid vigorous physical activity, alcohol consumption and spa/saunas as they can increase swelling and bruising.
  • Avoid Aspirin, fish oil and some anti-inflammatory medication as these can also increase bruising.

A review appointment will be organised after 2 weeks to assess the results of your treatment. Please contact the surgery immediately if any of the following occur:

  • Excessive discomfort at the treatment site
  • Pimple or cold sore formation in the treatment area
  • Any other concerns

+ When will you see results?

After it’s injected you see more fullness and the smoothing of wrinkles and folds immediately with further improvements over the coming weeks as your natural collagen production increases.

+ How long do results last?

The natural results last longer than hyaluronic acid fillers - up to 2 years and sometimes longer, because it stimulates your skin's natural collagen production.

+ Why doesn’t this website talk about specific names?

Collagen biostimulators are prescription medicines. The Australian Therapeutic Goods Association (TGA) prevents clinics from advertising the names of prescription medications.