Dermal Fillers


As we age, the lines and wrinkles on our face deepen, and we can lose volume, particularly in the cheeks, lips, brows, temples and jawline. Dermal fillers are based on Hyaluronic Acid, a substance found naturally in the skin.

Dermal fillers are injected strategically to ‘plump up’ small areas such as lips and brows, and replace volume to larger areas such as the cheeks and jawline, to provide a more youthful appearance and smoother skin.

Treatments provided include:

  • Full face rejuvenation

  • Temples and forehead

  • Cheek

  • Tear trough

  • Chin

  • Non surgical rhinoplasty

  • Jowls

  • Jawline

  • Lips and perioral area

  • Nasolabial folds

  • Marionette lines

  • Hand rejuvenation

  • Ear lobe rejuvenation

  • Dermal filler dissolving

  • Dermal filler scar treatment


+ What are dermal fillers?

Injectable dermal fillers are based on hyaluronic acid, a substance found naturally in our bodies. These fillers are temporary fillers because they are eventually absorbed by the body.

+ Do dermal filler treatment hurt?

Depending on the area your practitioner may apply or inject a local anaesthetic to the treatment area. Most dermal fillers contain a local anaesthetic which also makes the treatment more comfortable.

+ Who cannot have dermal fillers?

Dermal fillers cannot be used in individuals who have allergy to the product, in areas where there is infection, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, and individuals with medical conditions that lower their immune response or disorder such as myasthenia graves or Eaton Lambert syndrome.

+ Why are there different prices for fillers?

Dermal filler products vary in their formulation, biotechnology and longevity, hence the variation in price.

+ What are the side-effects of dermal filler treatment?

Side effects associated with dermal filler treatment include bleeding, pain or discomfort, tenderness at the treatment site, localised bruising and swelling, feeling faint during the procedure, uneven result or filler lumps which may require correction or dissolving .

+ What are the possible complications of dermal fillers?

Dermal fillers have been used safely in over 100 million treatments worldwide. Allergy is possible, other uncommon side-effects include nodule formation, infection and ulceration of the skin, pustules at the site of injection, scar formation, loss of vision when treating around the eye area, and vascular occlusion.

+ What is the after-care following dermal filler treatment?

  • You may experience redness and swelling after treatment. Redness is usually short left but swelling can last up to 2 weeks. If possible, sleep on two pillows the evening after treatment to elevate the head and reduce swelling.
  • Bruising may occur in treated areas and can last up to 2 weeks. Arnica spray or cream can be used to treat bruising.
  • Makeup can be applied the next day, mineral make up is preferred.
  • Ice packs can be applied in the first 24 hours after treatment to minimise swelling and bruising, icepack should not be applied for more than 10 to 15 minutes per hour.
  • Avoid vigorous physical activity, alcohol consumption and spa/saunas as they can increase swelling and bruising.
  • Avoid Aspirin, fish oil and some anti-inflammatory medication as these can also increase bruising.

A review appointment will be organised after 2 weeks to assess the results of your treatment. Further filler treatment or hyalase (filler dissolving) treatment may be required at this two week review.

Please contact the surgery immediately if any of the following occur:

  • excessive discomfort at the treatment site
  • pimple or cold sore formation in the treatment area
  • any other concerns

+ Why doesn’t this website talk about specific names?

Dermal fillers and anti wrinkle relaxant are prescription medicines. The Australian Therapeutic Goods Association (TGA) prevents clinics from advertising the names of prescription medications.