Double Chin Reduction


There are many reasons why some people are predisposed to having a double chin or “submental fullness”. 

Some factors that cause double chin are outside our control, such as genetics, ageing, bone structure, whilst other factors are modifiable, such as weight management.

Non surgical options to reduce your double chin include:

  • Belkyra, a fat dissolving product that contains an acid similar to the acid produced by the gallbladder that helps dissolve the fatty food that you eat. Once injected, it destroys the fat cells by a process known as adipocytosis, causing permanent destruction of these fat cells. 

  • Dermal fillers to your cheek, chin and along the angle of the jawline can increase definition and reduce appearance of double chin.

  • A ‘Nefertiti lift’ Anti-wrinkle injection can be administered along the jawline and neck to achieve a lifting effect that minimises the effect of a double chin.

  • Machines that reduce fat by heating or cooling. Ultraformer III (HIFU) uses high intensity focused ultrasound energy that penetrates deep into the submental area to help reduce submental fat and help lift and contour the area.

  • Threadlift. By inserting the thread under the skin and applying a little pressure, threads can give an immediate lift to the area, along with assisting with regeneration of collagen.

Please book an appointment to see which option is best suited for you.